In Memory of Marie Lucian Heiskanen, née Gasenbush at the 120th Anniversary of her birth


Olga Kachina published her article about Maria Heiskanen, née Gazenbush:
Памяти Марии Люциановны Хейсканен, урожденной Газенбуш (12 февраля 1901 – 23 февраля 1988). К 120-летию со дня рождения // The Russian Life. San Francisco, March13, 20 2021.

Key words: White Russian emigres, Vladivostok architect V.A. Planson, Seishin Gakuin, U.C. Berkeley, former Imperial Russian Naval officers in San Francisco, USAT Merritt.

Olga Kachina is an independent historian, member of the club “Friends of the Museum of the Russian Culture in San Francisco.” In 2018, she participated in the club’s conference commemorating the 95th anniversary of the arrival of the USAT Merritt with 526 Russian refugees in San Francisco on July 1, 1923 ( 31st Meeting. Jun 18, 2018 ).